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How can Hypnotherapy
help you?

About Hypnotherapy

What issues persistently weigh you down? Do you sleep well? Do you hold yourself in high regard? Are there some habits or compulsive behaviours that you would be happier without in your life? Do you have a fear that stops you enjoying certain activities or travelling such as a fear of flying, heights or spiders?
Bypassing the conscious mind to directly communicate with the subconscious mind, you are able to help heal mind and body by releasing old thought patterns, behaviours, traumas and memories that no long serve you well. ALL hypnosis is SELF hypnosis and you are fully in control of each session. By gaining a deeper understanding of your own mind through hypnosis you can free yourself to move forward in life in a peaceful and purposeful manner. Quick, powerful and drug free, Hypnotherapy is the best preventative healthcare. It can help with eliminating stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, weight management, fears and phobias, academic and sports performance, public speaking and any persistent feelings or emotions that do not serve you well such as low self confidence/esteem/worth.

Karen Woodfield


Karen holds a MSc in Forensic Psychology from University of Surrey, UK and a BSc Psychology from Birkbeck College (UCL) London, UK. 

Following additional study, Karen also offers Emotion Code, Simpson Protocol and Advanced Spiritual Hypnotherapy for those seeking healing and guidance from other sources within their belief system.

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My story so far

Having an extremely high tolerance to pain medication, I knew I was going to be on my own with the birth of my daughter in terms of managing any pain (and I  was assured there was alot of that! ).  Friends had used an interesting technique called HypnoBirthing, and having had Hypnotherapy as a young child, I understood the benefits Hypnosis could provide.  It was the most incredible experience and inspired me to want to share that with others.  When we moved to North Vancouver, to my surprise there almost no registered practitioner on the North Shore, so I went and trained. With a solid background in Psychology, I understood the ability of the mind, positive and negative and how to make the best of everything, and the notion of roots causes and consequences to trauma. 

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